Calendar of Events

Monday, January 6, 2014

Winter Quarter 2014 Events Week 1 - 8

Happy New Year Everyone! Check out our exciting schedule for this quarter.


General Body Meeting #1 - Special Guest Speaker from BTSD

Thursday, Jan. 16th | 8:00-9:00PM
Green Table Room in Sun God Lounge in Price Center West
For our first meeting of the quarter, Reverend Kenji Akahoshi, from the Buddhist Temple of San Diego, will give a talk on Jodo Shinshu (Shin or "Pure Land") sect of Buddhism, part of the Mahayana Buddhist tradition. Kenji-sensei emphasizes the practice of Buddhism in everyday lives, and will participate in a Q&A session. Have a burning question about Buddhism, or more specifically, Shin Buddhism? Come out and get them answered or just come out to learn!

General Body Meeting #2 - Dharma Movie Night [edit: event change]

Thursday, Jan. 30th | 8:00-9:00PM
Red Shoe Room in Sun God Lounge in Price Center West
We're not only about speakers and workshops. Come join us at one of our rare film screenings! Spend your evening viewing a specially selected film by UBA's cabinet members. Refreshments will be provided.

General Body Meeting #3 [edit: event change]

Temple Visit - "Relevant Shin Buddhism" with Rev. Kenji Akahoshi

Sunday, Feb. 16th | Time: 12 -3PM | Rides 11:00AM @ Peterson Loop
Buddhist Temple of San Diego (directions here)

Rev. Kenji Akahoshi will be holding a workshop at 12PM on the basics of Shin Buddhism, and how we can use these practices to help guide our daily lives. (Click on the image for more information.)

Lunch will be at 11:30AM. It will be Subway sandwiches so bring $5 with you.

RSVP for rides and lunch at the link here.

General Body Meeting #4 - Insight to the Thai Tradition

Thursday, Feb. 27th | 8:00-9:00PM
Red Shoe Room in Sun God Lounge in Price Center West
Guest speaker, Venerable Dharma, will speak to us about Buddhism with his background in the Thai tradition.


Weekly Group Meditation

Sunday, Starting Jan 19th (every week)  | 1:00PM
The Hump (Grassy area outside of Hi Thai)
We are simply part of the UBA community who are interested in meditation and enjoy the experience of meditation together in a group. Meetups are every Sunday afternoon if the weather is nice. The meditation style is up to you, there are no rules about this. The meetings are suitable for both beginners and seasoned meditators. 

Student Sangha

Thursday, Jan. 23th (& every other Thu.) | 7:00-9:00PM
Contemplation Lounge

Sangha means “community” in Pali. Our Student Sangha is a community of UCSD students who get together to meditate, read Buddhist text, and discuss Buddhist practices in hopes of being able to inspire others to practice the way.